Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sensei's Guidance - February 24th

Buddhism is not about leading a self-centered existence. If we do not base our lives on the Law, we are not practicing Buddhism. The German writer Friedrich von Schiller writes, "The brave man thinks upon himself the last." This is analogous to the spirit of not begrudging one's life taught in the Lotus Sutra. This means treasuring the Law more highly than one's life. The Law and kosen-rufu are central.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sensei's Guidance - February 23rd

Without courage we cannot be compassionate. Courage and compassion are inseparable, like the two sides of a coin. Faith is the wellspring of courage. The Daishonin says, "Nichiren's disciples cannot accomplish anything if they are cowardly," (The Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 128). A cowardly person cannot realize victory in life. Unless we have the courage to really dedicate our lives to kosen-rufu, we cannot construct true happiness for ourselves and others.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Sensei's Guidance - February 22nd

What was the secret to Edison's success? He explained that it was to never give up before he succeeded in what he was trying to do. Not giving up—that's the only way. Once you give up you are defeated. This is equally true in the realm of faith. Quitting is not faith. We have to keep chanting until our prayers are answered. That is the correct way of prayer.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sensei's Guidance - February 21st

Friendship is strong. Friendship, camaraderie and unity in faith lie at the heart of the SGI. They come before the organization. We must never make the mistake of thinking that it is the other way around. The organization serves as a means for deepening friendship, comradeship and faith. To confuse the means and the end is a terrible mistake.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sensei's Guidance - February 20th

In his later years, President Toda often told his disciples: "Be courageous in faith! No matter what other people may say, advance boldly! Lead confident lives! Make courage the Gakkai's eternal emblem!" This was the spirit with which he charged us before he died. Faith is the source of true strength and courage. Without courage and confidence we cannot be said to have genuine faith.